
Breaking Wind

It was 7th period... science class. We were discussing particles and kinetic energy. He asked us to give him an example. Little did I know it I was about to have a big example.
2 hours earlier
I sat down next to my friend Nick at lunch, seeing that my mom had packed me chocolate. Oh chocolate, chocolate, chocolate.I was these chocolate covered raisins that we had bought at Winco (R) 1 day previous. I loved them so much I gobbled them down so fast it was almost like... well never mind.
Anyway I threw away the bag, had recess and before i knew it I was in health class learning about (snort) families.
All of a sudden there was this feeling inside of me. I felt like I had to fart. So i did, and no one seemed to notice. I farted again and nobody noticed. After a while I decided to just go to the bathroom and get all my fartage out there. Unfortunately, I didn't.
We moved on to science, when health was over. We were getting ready to do a lab on testing air particles. When out of no were I heard a volcano erupt. Than I realized what had happened. My teacher Mr. Groom stared in horror at me. It was the biggest fart ever. I widened my eyes and looked at my friend Kai.
Now they call him Fartboy.


  1. I can't believe you crap at school.... I could never....

  2. umm..no one is following my blog.. ahem!!!


  3. that is hysterical lmao
