
Dear Somebody...

Dear Somebody,
I know that you are very busy, somebody, but I feel that I should tell you about my life right now. Why am I writing you a letter, you ask? Because I am so damn bored that crapping my pants almost seems like it would be fun right now. So anyway, on Friday my grandma picked me up from school, but she was very late because she turned left instead of right and she got lost, so she was late.
Me and my friends decided that it would be fun to call Mr. Bacons classroom and listen to his voicemail. It was a computer saying "hello" and than Bacon's voice came in and said "Matthew Bacon-Brenes?" Almost like he didn't know what his name was, and than the computer would say "is not available," and than all the options would come one. All in all it was a pretty fun idea. We did it over and over and over, and nobody would answer because Bacon is in Japan and his office was empty... oh lol.
In Seigel's class he read a letter (actually an E-mail that Bacon sent) to us and it was really funny because he would always stutter whenever there was a really hard Japanese word. "I am getting lots of... omriragi, what?" And than we would all say what it really was and he would be all like what ever and just keep reading until it all happened again. It was like reading a book about the rain cycle.
Lately, Somebody, I have been seeing lots of things about the NFL draft because my friend Milo that sits next to me ALWAYS talks about it. Whenever we get a computer to do research on our E.P's he always go's to ESPN and looks it up and he always vents to me about how he thinks that the Viking's should have gotten Tim Tebo, whoever he is. I don't care, now when the NBA draft comes around... thats gonna be awesome because first of all no one's last name is going to be Tebo and second of all it's Basketball and it is actually and interesting sport.
Since Bacon is in Japan we have this new sub that is really a b****. First of all she either takes a shower AT the school or she puts a lot of gel in her hair because her hair is really really shiny and smelly. I think she even laughed once too. Oh wait no she didn't. She is one of those subs that doesn't know what the hell she is doing so she burns people for no reason. I would rather have BAcon teaching the class than her. And now that she has been here for a while she knows what we are supposed to do so there is no "oh yeah we have recess right now," kind of thing. Nope. Back when she was a new sub we did that to her all the time, and she fell for it. Some subs are smart and actually know what to do... not her. Sometimes we get lucky though, when the teacher forgets to write the things that we are supposed to do, so we can trick the teacher all we want. Ha ha haa.
On Sunday we went to church and we learned all about how we are not supposed to keep the 10 commandments, but we are supposed to think about them when ever we violate them. I was so bored that I started counting how many times Greg said I believe (8) and started reading my graphic novel bible. Sometimes I think church is fun because now I actually know something so I can go be all smart in front of Thomas. I also kept track of how many times we prayed. We prayed 5 times in the whole thing, and at one point we prayed twice in a row. I'm no expert on it but I think God gets it! I could imagine God being like my mom, when people pray to many times he gets pissed and tells the people to stop praying because he gets what they are saying. I will ask my mom to play my PS3 and she won't say anything and I will ask her again and she will get a mad look on her face and tell me that she knows what I want. But eventually, praying will come through for me... like when me and my mom decide to go to a midnight mass at the church and and I am so tired. The priest will say that it is time to pray and I will fall asleep, will I am praying. Is that a sin? In church I learned something that really made me get pissed. So Greg said that if you sin in this life that your future generation's will be punished. I felt like I was in school so I raised my hand and than I took it back down again, but what I wanted to say was that everybody sins, so wont every generation be influenced by badness?
"Well no, Eli, it doesn't work that way," Greg would say. "Since I am perfect and you are a rotten piece of S*** my generation will be awesome and yours will be a bunch of Garbage-men when they grow up." And after that we would sing a song and one of the lines will say "... who saved a wretch like me." All those songs really hurt my self esteem.
Somebody? When things like that happen do you go talk to your health teacher... well we are learning about self esteem right now so... yeah.
This week we are going on a field trip to go see the play the chosen. Two worlds collide beneath the shadow of an ancient tradition when a young Hasidic boy knocks a ball right into the eye of his Orthodox rival at a baseball game between their two yeshivas. The batter is Danny Saunders, the brilliant hereditary heir apparent to his father Reb Saunders, the leader of an ultra-Orthodox Hasidic sect. The pitcher is Reuven Malter, son of David, a modern Orthodox humanist professor whose writings are hated by Reb Saunders. Danny's line drive puts Reuven in the hospital, but guilt draws him to visit, and the most unlikely of friendships develop.
Over time, Danny's intellectual curiosity about the secular world draws him towards the Malter family, where he finds the warmth that his father (who refuses to speak to Danny except when studying the Talmud) has denied. Then World War II ends, bringing the possibility of a Jewish state. A heated disagreement between the fathers about the nascent state of Israel results in Reb Saunders forbidding Danny to speak to Reuven. The silence between them strains (and ultimately transforms) their relationships to their families, their faiths and each other. As they each walk the careful line between their own dreams for the future and the paths their fathers have chosen for them, both boys discover that sometimes the most critical choice you can make is the choice...of a friend.

Freaky, right? So what do you think.

Eli Hacker.

1 comment:

  1. Wherever you copied that synopsis from makes it sound like it'd be a good play. Hope you enjoy it!

    I wish you could come and hear my pastor preach. He's not perfect, and he'd think you were a cool kid.

    BTW, self-esteem is overrated. Self-awareness, self-critique, and self-reflection are much more valuable.
