
Snotty Old People and Catching Up With My Reading,

The day started the usual way, my mom drove me to school and we argued about were she should drop me off. I say that my mom should drop at the school but nooo, she has to drop me off, like 8 blocks away.
"WE have had this talk before, Eli," she would say and I would feel like... like... well like... uhhh... BADNESS JUST BADNESS! AHHHH! JUST DROP ME OFF AT SCHOOL, LADY!!! Anyway, I roughed the walk to the school, feeling ashamed of myself, thinking why can't I just keep my mouth shutand frowning all the way there.
When I finally got to the school Russian was waiting. We talked about how the Blazers might get eliminated from the playoff's if we lost tonight's game. He thought that we might win but I was so sure that the blazers were going to loose, so sure that I said that if we won I would throw myself off a cliff (not a chance) but he was still so sure. No one else really turned up that morning and we rushed into the school when the bell finally rang and got our binders even though I knew that we weren't going to do anything with it. Maybe its just me being lazy but I hate carrying a binder around... I think that we should just have Cubbies in every class to put our stuff in so we don't have to LUG around every single piece of (BLEEP) that we get in the year. I swear I will burn all the papers in a fire this summer and just pour gallon after gallon of gas into it to insure that it will never EVER show up in my life again.
When we got to S.S class the bad sub was waiting for us again. We had a mixed class so on the trip we would only have 2 groups of people instead of 3. They did this so that they wouldn't make people commit suicide on the bus. We got out the computers and started working on our E.P's.
Fast-forward and we are getting ready to go. Me and Kayla and Henry are in our own little group in the back of the line. Henry thought that it was a good idea to jump off a hill with an umbrella, but all that happened was Henry injuring his ankle.
We waited at the bus stop and played a funny game called Sweet and Sour were we wave at people and hopefully... they wave back. We did this a lot of times: Wave=10 points Honk=20 points Police wave=30 points Police honk=40 points Police honk/wave= O MY GOD HE REALLY DID THAT!
The bus ride was really fun; everyone was "accidently" poking people and they were all getting really pissed off at us. Lol
Fast-forward again me and Milo got to the play and took our seats. They were on a really high balcony (at a play) and we were sitting next to these really snotty old people who seemed nice but were really mean to each other.
"Will you pass the water?"
"No get it your self, Herb!"
Sheesh.... I liked the play. though it was really imaginative. There were only 5 people in the play and it WAS kind of weird.
After we got back from the play we all just hung out in Ms. Sullivan's class room and we went insane it was so cool.
Way after school I went to my mom's Salon and really read a lot of my book. It was really cool.

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