
To A Happy Earth Day,

Happy Earth Day to you, Happy earth Day to you, Happy Earth Day dear Eeeeaaarth... Happy Earth Day tooooo Yooouu. What? I felt that it was appropriate to wish the Earth a Happy Earth Day. The reason I remembered today was Earth day was that all the teachers in the school, besides Mr Seigel, wore these green faded "Happy earth Day" T-shirts with a picture of an owl saying "hoot," on it. And Mr. Groom made a big huge deal about and talked about littering and stuff like that. You're a science teacher, man. I wish that we could rid the world of littering, but more importantly I wish that we could rid the world of people over talking about littering and people writing books about how you can save paper... and those pencils that are made from old newspapers, that are the cheapest piece of crap I have seen in the whole universe.
Now, on to what actually happened on Earth Day. Me and my mom left the house, but not very fast because when we were about to get in the car I realized that I had forgotten my glasses, so I went back inside and grabbed my glasses and said goodbye to my little one. Earlier Thomas had posted some funny things on Facebook about how Chuck Norris was so afraid of... "the mage?" Yeah... ok I guess thats what he said. We got in the car and my mom quikly turned on the Kboo radio station and we listened to that most of the way there. I was making fun of it pretty much the whole time.
"And uhhhhhhhh why is it like uhhhhhhh that?"
"Well, the health care for women uhhhhhhh is not as good as with uhhhhhhhh guys, I don't uhhhhhh care what they say about it uhhhhh its not."
It was pretty funny, but my mom got sick of me saying uhhhhhhh and trying to imatate them so she turned off the radio.
When we got to the place where my mom drops me off I tried the best that I could to distract her to get her to actually drive me to the school, but it didn't work. She gave a big me fat kiss and afterwards I checked to see if any of my friends were in the proximity of ground 0, but luckily no one was there. Sigh. I walked up to the school very slowly for no reason at all. I like walking. It makes me feel like I am my dad, walkin' all the time and smellin' like Axe. Ahhh Phoenix.
I got to the school and me and my friends did our usual morning thing until the bell rang. 1st period was so boring that I could have fallen asleep for 10 years... my mom would be all like "you have 10 years of homework overdue," "I missed you too mom." We worked on our E.P the whole time and the sub was acting like a b****! My theory with subs is that they purposely try to get you in trouble so that they can tell the teacher that and the teacher will like them. They are so smug.
In Math class we played a math game and we were supposed to tell what % we had of winning the game. They're was a 51.5% chance for player B to win and a 48.%% chance of player A to win the game. In the end of the class i got up on Ms. Sullivan's stool and imitated her saying hi I'm Ms. Sullivan, and I did it with her game show host voice.
At lunch recess we were all playing basketball and stuff, and so i went up for a shot and I landed funny (made the shot) and Kenji hem hem "accidently" landed on me too. I twisted my ankle really bad. But the cool thing was that after that I didn't shoot I just passed it and I came out of the game with like 8 assists. I limped over to health class and learned about the male reproductive system. So much fun.
I limped over to science and we did this thing were we have to make the Velocity match what it is on the paper. I totally screwed up because the line was going up, not down. Later I learned that to make the line go down one must walk TOWARDS the motion detector. Ahh that makes sense.
In Language Arts we talked about the play we are going to go see next week called The Chosen.


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