
Woopti-do Log A.K.A The Most Boring Time of my 12 Years Of Life!

Every Wednesday and Thursday I ride the bus down to 28th and Burnside to hangout at my mom's shop. Now, sometimes I actually have something to do, like read a book or do my homework. But this week would be the worst. This week made me believe in Karma because when I get out of school to go to the bus stop, the bus was already there and I had to yell to someone to hold it for me.
And than the broken walk sign would turn on and I would run across the street hearing the walk sign say:
"ksinon... ksinon... Ksinon."
When I got to the other side of the street the guy gave me bad looks for the whole ride. What the hell did I do?
Most of the bus rides I sit behind someone with a problem, like one guy was really gassy another was very talkative.
When I would arrive at Woopti-do every body would greet me and I would always nod and keep about my business.
"Hey Eli."
"Hi Jody."
"Hi Eli."
"Hi Shirly."
"Hi Eli."
"Hi mom," and there was more. I went into the backroom and sat down for a minute to relax and take it easy, than I would go to the bathroom. Afterwards I would tell my mom how my day was and she would tell me to stop distracting her. I love you to. I returned to my kingdom of bleach and rice cakes A.K.A the backroom and I opened my backpack to see if i had any homework. Oh no. Whats this? No homework, well I must have a boo- oh no... oh no, [bends down on knees and looks up at sky,] OH NOOOOOOOOOOO!
I took my seat on Khat's chair and rested my head on my hand. I sat there for about, oh 30 minutes (no kidding) and I saw my mom checking out one of her clients and all of a sudden the phone started ringing.
"Eli can you get it, its Thomas," I quickly ran over to the phone. There was a chance to get a laugh.
In a gay voice I said, "Woopti-do this is Eli."
"Hey Eli can you give the phone to your mom?" I handed the phone to my mom and basicly what happened was Thomas was going to come by and take to the anniversary party our friends were having. My mom said he was going to be there around half an hour from now. So I took my seat on the desk and waited. Staring at the door, hoping that a bulky bald figure with a cigarette would walk in front of the door looking in. Hoping that a blue Honda would drive, smoothly, by the store. But no... never.
At one point I got up, looking for the news paper to see if I could find the sports section. It wasn't there.
Around 1 hour and 15 minutes later I saw Thomas walk by, my heart jumped and I went outside and hugged him so much.
We left after that and we went to Burgerville and I got a hamburger and fries and we both curled up with our respective sports section. We than went to see the performance, it was pretty cool, the building was dark and there was candles hanging from the ceiling.
When it was done we all hung out in the backroom joking and one thing that happened really depressed me.
..."And we can take a video of it," and everybody cracked up.
And than I said, "ya and than we could be all like hey kid this is how you were born," and everybody stopped laughing and just looked around. :(

THE END, finally

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