
He Finally Got to The Top of The Hill (Othor things you do from the top down are take a shower, clean the house and age gracefully.)

Last night was Thomas's birthday party. We had it at a very classy restaurant called Miss Delta. I sat way in the back, far away from the birthday boy, near all the gay people and co-workers. Man, I feel so loved.
Once the waiters actually cared enough to take Our order, I ordered some classic fried Chicken and 2, count em' 2, sides of Red Beans and Rice. Followed by numerous glasses of sprite and sips of Thomas's Mohita.
After all that food I felt so full that my teeth were floating in minty Red Beans and Rice, but I was surprised to find that I had the room in me to eat a deep fried apple pie. It tasted like chicken and pie, mixed together.
I had a lot of room on the booth to lie down and groan in pain.
"Help me," or "what did I ever do to you," followed by a burp is pretty much what the gay people were hearing all night long.
When my mom actually drove us home I was so happy. I crashed when I got home and had a weird dream that I got up and walked around after I tripped over the night stand, making everything fall over. And sure enough when I woke up everything was on the floor.
I was so exited to hang out with my dad at my Aunt Sandy's house. My dad said he wold be at our house, around 11:00. But knowing him he was probably going to be there super late. Thomas talked about getting to the top of the hill, because he was 40. When my dad got there we left straight away. He had Aunt Sandy's boyfriend drive us to Aunt Sandy's house.
My cousin Spencer was exited to see me. I could tell because he was all like:
"Let me show you my dwarf on W.O.W."
"Whats W.O.W?"
"Wold of Warcraft, duh," he said.

And now we are watching America's Next Top Model. Yeah
Damn it, he bunny-eared me.

1 comment:

  1. I love you too my dear nephew.... He would have been late if we hadn't driven him lollollol... you can come over anytime :) :)
