
Awaiting My New Phone,

Hello, everybody. Well I guess I should start at the very beginning, for this story. Back, oh, about 6 months ago I got all inspired to save up enough money to buy myself a nice, decent phone, as apposed to the one that I have now... I never made it. At one point I had saved up $150, but that was when I started to buy a lot of Basketball autographs online. In between all of the autographs and sudden loss of money to my dad, I lost faith in getting a phone for myself.

But the story goes on... 6 months later, me and my grandma are driving up to her house and we are talking about Blackberry phones, and she asks me "hey Eli aren't you going to get a new phone this month," and from that moment on I was obsessed with getting a new phone to replace my excuse of a phone....

Me and my mom are on the couch and she looks at her computer and tells me that my new every 2 (when I get a new phone) is on the next day. I start to flip out because I am finally able to replace my phone. We look at phones online and I fall in love with an LG phone called the Cosmos. I am so exited to order it the next day. All I can think about at school is that phone. The qwerty keyboard... *drool.*

So people get down on your knees and pray. Ask God for forgiveness, since you are looking at something that you are not worthy to even set your eyes upon. Behold... the LG Cosmos!

And this phone will come in handy because I am thinking about getting a Twitter account and you can tweet from this without using the internet! COOL!

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