
My Sleepy Little Mother Takes a Well Deserved Nap (She made me make that the title, just F.W.I)

Over the last 2 days my mom, I have noticed, has been picking me up from school really late. I mean, not that I really care all that much considering the fun the me and Russian and Kayla have taking pictures of our self's with her camera-phone and sending them to each other, but it's been kind of cold and wet lately and I've been looking forward to driving home.
Today, after school I got out and went out-side to find Kayla waiting their for us. I always like going to our spot after school because I am never the first one there. I am never the one who has to briefly stand there alone by him-self, waiting for all your other friends to get there. I am never the guy who all the 8th graders feel sorry for because they think I have no friends. No, I am not that guy. And I was wondering today after I arrived at the spot, what if I was "that guy?"
"Hey, Eli," she says. I nod and go to stand in my regular spot, just under Mr. Bacon's room.
"You know that Mr Bacon is going to be back from Japan, tomorrow, Eli," the Russian said.
"Aww crap," I said, while applying center of pal forcefully to forehead. "But I don't think he will actually be AT school, maybe he will take the day off because he JUST got back and he is really tired."
"Probably not," Russian said "he would teach the day the world ended if he had to."
Just than Kayla's mom's car pulled over and honked at kayla. She said goodbye and got in it.
I noticed that her mom's window was open so I thought it would be funny to scream "wait I thought that guy you were with got in the car to," right as they turned the corner, but I don't think that they heard me.
Shortly after that my mom's car came around and motioned for me to get in. I tried to walk as slowly as I could to the car so when I got in it she would call me "Slowy McSlowerson" again. I like it when she says that. We went to the insurance place to get me some new insurance, because I no longer had any. While she was inside the store I turned on the radio to Z100 and Me and The McJazzerson had A dance party in the car. At one point he got really P.Oed so I gave him his bink and we just went right back on Rockin'&Rollin'.... Oh L.O.L.
When My mom got back out from inside the... place, I quickly turned off the radio and put the bink in 105.6 smooth jazz's mouth so I would seem more inconspicuous.
We drove home and she parked in the drive way and told me that she felt she deserved to have a nap. I said "whatever" thinking that once she was asleep I could yell and wake everybody up.
She fell asleep rather (yes... rather) fast and so I tried to stealt the keys from her hands but failed and she woke up and scolded me for it and than she quietly went back to sleep. And all this time I'm thinkin'how the hell can you fall asleep in a car... I can't even take a nap in the middle of the day.
Once she was really asleep I moved my position and tried to open my door as quietly as I could and I succeeded, she didn't wake up or even move a muscle. I closed the door and she still didn't move at all. I thought that it was really funny.
I crossed over to the other side of the car and started making faces at my sleeping mother. I had to hold all my laughter in so I wouldn't wake her up, but once it was to much, all my laughter came out in one loud brief SNNNNOOORT!And she still didn't wake up.
I walked around the car and looked at it, and than I ran across the street for no apparent reason and than came back. I did this many more times and once a UPS truck almost hit me... AAAAAHHHH.
I spent the next 10 minutes just playing around and seeing how far I could run away from the car without her noticing that I wasn't there. I made it to the baseball diamond, about 30 yards away, but I was to chicken to go further than that.

So now we are about 15 minutes into the nap and I really have to go pee. I don't think that it would be right to wake my mother from her nap to get the keys so I just go pee on a tree in the back yard of the house.
When I got back from urinating my mom had already woken up and thats when it hit me... TAKE ONE MORE NAP!!!!!


  1. hahahahahahahahahahahahahayha god one Eli... master of tricks

  2. hahahahahahahahaa...... Funny kid you are :)
