

His name: Doom-dirt. His mission: killing little 12 year olds fun and hurting little 12 year olds fingers and blocking little 12 year olds moms from fully parking in the driveway. Here is the story of Doom-dirt.

He came when Eli and his mother were away getting hair products for Eli's mother's clients. He was driven there from just up the street at Mt. Scott Fuel Co. and when he was sitting there in there driveway sitting for Eli and his mother, he came across the thought "while i am here why don't I have some fun with Eli... ha ha ha!" And he kept his promise.

once Eli arrived at his house Doom-dirt's plan was in action. Eli's mother set down Jasper to bed and than went out and started to tell Eli to scoop the dirt and put it in the raised bed. Eli started to work and the first thing he noticed was that his fingers were getting stiff very fast. It was going to be a long day Eli thought.

They started in the back and that was really stupid because if they started in the front, than by the end they would have had room to park Eli's mom's car on the driveway. It was so stupid. He did this a lot. At the very end before they left to go to j's doctor's appointment they started to do jobs. Staci would put the dirt in the buckets and Eli would carry it to the raised bed.

Skipping: Eli went to J's doctor's appointment.

Once they got back Eli and his mother got back they kicked ass on getting dirt out of the driveway. Not much happened but all I can say is that by the end of it Eli's hands were dead.

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