
Portrait Innovation's,

My Great Grandma (GG), for the last few months has been obsessed with dying and when she is going to die and all this crap. So because of this she wants to go and get professional pictures because she was going to "die." Every-time me and Grandma go up to Washington I will start a conversation about school and within 2 minutes it will have shifted, and turned into a conversation about drugs and in the NEXT 2 minutes the conversation will have shifted again and this time she will be venting to me about how much she thinks that GG is not going to die and that she is still recovering and that she isn't thinking clearly. Now GG is in her 80's and I don't think that the idea of dying, if I were her, wouldn't be a stupid i idea at all. I think that grandma is just trying to assure herself that GG isn't going to die anytime soon and that this is all crazytalk. Well I have news for you grandma, its not crazytalk at all its actually a rational, sensible idea...sheesh.

Anyway, the morning of these pictures I woke up and threw on one of the dress t-shirts that I only wore in Japan when there were no camera's around me, and some jeans and went downstairs and read my un-published Twilight book that someone hacked off of Stephanie Meyer's computer a while back and read that. I read until about 7:30 when my aunt, Tricia came down stairs from her shower and greeted me briefly and went to put on the all important make-up. Again I was alone downstairs reading my book. It seemed empty without the sound of my mother pumping and the clicks of the mouse on her computer and the sliding sound of her finger on the mouse-pad, on Facebook....

The clock ticked and there was still silence from the mama's room. She said earlier last night that we had to leave by 9:15 so we could get some B-ville for breakfast and still make it to the picture shop on time. If this was a regular day she would have been up nice and early to feed the baby and she would pump at put her make up on by 8:30 and this was weird because I knew that it was important to put lots of make-up for a big event like this and if I were her I would have got up earlier to spend the good part of the morning putting make-up on. But what do I know.

Finally I heard the banging necklaces that are the sign for an opening door in our house because every single one of our doors has some necklaces draped around them. finally I thought. It was 8:35 and i knew that my mom was going to be pissed when she got down so I should just shut up and read my book. But, it wasn't my mom at all, it was the Tom-Tom man (Thomas) and he was wearing his super plush white bathrobe that I envy every single time I see it and even when I don't see it. We greeted and than went back to out business. I suddenly realized that I needed a longer tie for my shirt, because the one my friend gave me a while back was really small and I had out grown it so it was more like a red, shinny bib that only covered a little bit of my chest.

Thomas went back upstairs and I didn't hear from him for a while but a few minutes later my mama 1 came downstairs and asked me why I didn't want to wear my red tie. I told her that it was to small AND i had out grown it so it wouldn't look really good when we got the pictures.

I am going to skip all the conversations that we had while my mom was doing her hair but in a nutshell my mom gave Thomas' designer ties and let me tell you, it was hot, and Thomas came downstairs and we got in the car with my aunt Tricia and hit the road to Burgerville.

When we got to the infamous Burgerville drive through I stuttered a few times and Thomas got all pissed at me and flashed me his watch and told me to just order the damn food and later he said he thought it was funny that I didn't order right away. Yeah, Thomas it really looked like you were laughing. The orderer person asked about every single detail of our order except mine and my burger ended up with Mayo on it. Grrr. When we were on our way to the photo shop we had this whole crisis about were it was and guess were it ended up being...Gresham Station. It was this little 900 Square Ft shop that had 2 photo booths things in it and on of them was being used by a family that had the cutest crying baby ever.

When we started every single picture i was in i was on the left side of every body and i was kneeling. And the photographer was a 2@#$% too and it kind of sucked. Sigh.

And it looks nothing like this.

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